
#AreaStudies #CSEAS #5minTANKEN #TaniaLi

"TANKEN Video: Welcome to Area Studies," distributed by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies of Kyoto University, is a series of documentaries showcasing researchers who are engaged in cutting-edge research in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. "TANKEN" means expedition in Japanese. We hope that these videos will be starting points for you to discover Area Studies. Enjoy your own expedition, as you learn about the world from the broader perspective of an area.

LI, Tania, Visiting Research Scholar
Professor of Anthropology at the University of Toronto and Visiting Research Scholar at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University from February – July 2023. Her research focuses on land, labour, class, capitalism, development, resources and indigeneity with a particular focus on Indonesia.

Tania Li's research focuses on rural Southeast Asia. Here she explains how rural landscapes and livelihoods are changing. She notes that many familiar products we consume come from Southeast Asia (e.g. palm oil, coffee, cacao, timber), connecting us in important ways.

Interview 'Visitor's Voice'
Plantations Today: https://kyoto.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/staff/tania-li/?more=39696

#地域研究 #CSEAS #たんけん動画 #5min. 【日本語字幕:あり】

「たんけん動画 地域研究へようこそ」は、京都大学東南アジア地域研究研究所が配信する研究紹介動画シリーズです。所員のフィールド活動や研究内容を広く公開し、最新の地域研究とそれに取り組む研究者の姿を紹介することを目的とします。

■出演者:タニア・リー(LI, Tania)


プランテーションの今: https://kyoto.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/staff/tania-li/?more=39692

たんけん動画 地域研究へようこそ 【公式サイト】
京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所では、東南アジア地域を中心に最新の地域研究とそれに取り組む研究者の姿を紹介します。

京都大学 東南アジア地域研究研究所ウェブサイト