

1. イントロダクションとProf. Ortwin Renn (Research Institute for Sustainability, Helmholz Center, Potsdam, Germany) による講義

講義のテーマ:「学際的(トランスディシプリナリー)研究の方法論 –- 典型的な社会科学のアプローチとどこが異なるのか --」

2. Q&A

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability (GSAIS), Kyoto University
This is the video recording of the Sustainable Economy Research Group seminar held on 17.04.2024. The video consists of the following two parts.

1. Introduction and lecture by Prof. Ortwin Renn (Research Institute for Sustainability, Helmholz Center, Potsdam, Germany).

Topic of the lecture: “Transdisciplinary Research Methodology: How Does It Differ From Traditional Social Science Approaches”.

2. Q&A.