interactive poem
naoko tosa

"Interactive poem" is a new type of poem that is created by a participant and a computer agent collaborating in a poetic world full of inspiration, emotion and sensitivity. The concept of this interactive poem is based on conventional poetry, but goes beyond traditional limits by introducing the capability of interaction. A participant and a computer agent create a dialogue by exchanging short poetic phrases, and through this exchange produce a new poetic world that integrates the poetic world of the agent with his/her own. A computer agent called "MUSE", who has been carefully designed with a face suitable for expressing the emotions of a poetic world, appears on the screen. She will utter a short poetic phrase to the participant. Hearing it allows him/her to enter the world of the poem and, at the same time, feel an impulse to respond by uttering one of the optional phrases or by creating his/her own poetic phrase. Exchanging poetic phrases through this interactive process allows the participant and MUSE to become collaborative poets who generate a new poem and a new poetic world.

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