Kyoto University
Course title: Academic Hip Hop: Introduction to Psychology
Lunchtime Seminar: 2012-2013
Instructor: David Dalsky

Song title and lyrics:
Nurture or Nature

We’re on a quest to understand nurture and nature.
It’s kinda complicated and we’d like to make sure
to explore both in this little lecture
Because in the end, it’s always a mixture

So many ways to answer this question
So here’s a few methods we like to mention

(Selective breeding)
Is dog excitability influenced by “nature”?
Take the most excited and mate em together
If over generations they’re getting crazier
Genes are influencing this dog’s behavior
Selective breeding works well in mice
Over time we can make them more wise
On the other hand shou chu shocchu nomu chu chu
sake ni necchu kodomo auruchu
With animals, breeding’s a great way to know.
but how about humans? Ningen wa dou?

(Twin Studies)
We cant just breed them like shibaken
So we turn to natural experiments
Like twins - take a look a what they share.
like a lot of DNA and the color of their hair.
But if they share environment it might get sloppy
so we study those who have been adopted.
And as they age, it becomes apparent
They act more like their biological parents
On certain tests - like the IQ
But don’t quit your efforts. Sokyu!
But don’t quit your efforts. Sokyu!

We’re on a quest to understand nurture and nature.
It’s kinda complicated and we’d like to make sure
to explore both in this little lecture
Because in the end, it’s always a mixture

We’re on a quest to understand nurture and nature.
It’s kinda complicated and we’d like to make sure
to explore both in this little lecture
We’ll do this in English because we like torture!

(Molecular Genetics)
Now to the DNA in your hair follicles
How do we link one trait to one molecule?
Look in a family with different fates,
we can see how genes might influence traits.
Behavior from brain from transmitters from genes
For example the receptor for dopamine.
Have the D4? Like novelty seeking?
Then do kosupure at sotsugyo shiki.
I know gene stories are pretty fun,
but their relationships with traits is rarely one-to-one.
So before you blame everything on genetics
remember the case of the diabetics.
If one twin gets it the other might not
Environmental factors matter a lot.
Yes genes might influence the trait
But it’s far more likely if you’re overweight.
Remember: It’s like we told ya
Nature and nurture are gocha gocha.
Nature and nurture are gocha gocha.

We’re on a quest to understand nurture and nature.
It’s kinda complicated and we’d like to make sure
to explore both in this little lecture
Because in the end, it’s always a mixture

We’re on a quest to understand nurture and nature.
It’s kinda complicated and we’d like to make sure
to explore both in this little lecture
We’ll do this in English because we like torture!

Kyoto University OCW

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